Club Chapter Names
A.C.T.S -Anointed Christians terrorizing Satan
Acts 29 - because we are the next chapter
Aftershock -Feel the effects as we shake our generation
Aliens - John 18:36
Anti-Gravity - Goin` against the flow
Apostolic Angels
A.R.M.Y - Anointed Redeemed Mighty Youth
Atoma - indivisible or unbreakable (Greek)
A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E -Awesome Teens Tuned Into the Ultimate Decision: Eternity
Audacious - Joshua 1:9
Axios - Worthy (Greek)
B.A.R.F.- Believers Are Redeemed Forever
Beautiful Butterflies
B.L.A.S.T. - Building Lives Around Sound Truth
Blaze - On Fire
B.O.M.B. - Bunch Of Mighty Believers
B.U.M. - Be U Ministries
B.R.I.D.G.E.S. - Bringing Righteousness Into Darkness with God's Everlasting Salvation
Carpenters Shop
C.I. - Christ Inside
Citizens - Ph 1:27-30
Connection Rom 12:5
Consumed Heb 12:29
Contenders Jude 1:3
Core Col 1:17
C.R.E.W. - Christians Ready Equipped and Willing
CTG - Called To Greatness
D.O.C. – Daughters of Christ
Daughters of Esther
Devoted - Rom 12:10
Escape - 2 Pet 1:4b
Pro 31 Girls
R.E.T.R.O - Real Experiences That Reach Others
R.A.D.I.C.A.L Youth -Remaining Actively Dedicated In Christ And Lovin` It
R.A.D.I.C.A.L- Relentless And Dedicated In Changing All Lives
Righteous Insanity -Being odd for God
BLING! BLING! -Beginning Life In New Grace! Believing Life Is New with God!
Club 3:16 - John 3:16
Empowered - Ps 28:7
Empowered - Luke 24:49
Energeia - action (Greek)
ENFUEGO – on fire (Spanish)
Epidemic - Act 2:14
Faith Factor - Eph 2:8
Fearless - 2 Tim 1:7
Fervent - Rom 12:11
Flip Side
Focus - Ja 1:23
G1 - God First
GAG -Girls After God
G.A.M.E - God And Me Evangelizing
G.U.T.T.S - God Using Teens To Sow
GENTLE - GENeration of The Lord Eternal
Get R.E.A.L Girls - Reach Out, Experience God, Apply God's Word, Lead out in this Generation
GET R.E.A.L. - Relentlessly Enthusiastic About Our Lord
Girls 4 God
Girls Club 180*
Girls of Destiny
Girls of Faith
Girls of Grace
Girls of Worth
Girls on Fire
Glory Girls
Glow - Show His light to a dark world
God Squad - 1 Pet 2:9
Godz Girlz
Go M.A.D. - Go Make A Difference
G.O. M.A.D. - Go Out and Make A Difference
Gospel Glamour
Gravity - Ja 4:8
Ground Zero - Matt 6:33
H.E.A.T - Highly Energized Anointed Teens
Heirborn - Rom 8:17
HTH - Headed to Heaven
Hope - Rom 5
Ignite Jer 20:9
Ignyte Jer 20:9
Illumin8 - Let His Light Shine
Impact - Act to Change
Imprint - Made in His Image
Inferno - Jer 20:9
Intent - Josh 24:15
J Walkers - Walking w/Jesus
Jars of Clay - 2 Cor 4:7
Jesus Freaks - 1 Pet 2:9
Jump - Ph 3:1
Jump Start
Justified - Rom 3:24
Kindle - Luke 12:49
Koinonia - Fellowship (Greek)
Legacy - Ps 103:17
L.G.L.P. - Love God Love People
L.I.T.E. - Matt 5:13-16
LOL - Living Out Loud
Lifeguard - Matt 10:39
Lifeline - Heb 6:19
Lighthouse - Let Your Light Shine
Lost & Found - Luke 15:32
Machaira - Sword (Greek) - Heb 4:12
Merge - More of Him Less of Me
M.O.V.E. - Maidens of Extreme Virtue
Nacho Average Girls
New Life Girls Club
No Fear - Deut 31:8
No Shame - Rom 5:5
OMG - Obeying My God
One - John 17:22
One 2 One - Fulfilling the Great Commission
One Eighty - Titus 3:5
Outbreak - Acts 2:14
Outburst - Acts 2:14
Overcome - 1 Pet 5:7
Overflow - Luke 6:38
Overflow - I Pet 1:8
Oxygen - John 14:6 - Jesus is Life
Pathfinder - Ps 16:11
Paraclete - (Greek) - Advocate, Helper
P.A.S.S.I.O.N -Pentecostals Assisting and Saving Souls In One Name
Peculiar - 1 Pet 2:9
Pink Ladies
Pipeline - John 4:13-14
Plugged In - John 15:5
P.O.D. - Place of Discipleship
Power Co. - 2 Tim 1:7
Power Surge - John 16:13-15
PowerWalk - Deut 8:6
P.R.A.Y. - Powerful Righteous Annointed Youth
Project - We are His Workmanship - Eph 2:10
Propelled - 2 Cor 5:14-15
Psyche (Greek) - Soul
Pure Fire - Is 48:10
Quench - John 4:14
Quest - 2 Cor 6:4-10
R-Gen - Radical Generation
Radical - 1 Pet 2:9
R.A.G.E - Ready Able Giving Everything
Ransomed - 1 Tim 2:6
R.E.A.C.H. - Reaching out - Encouraging others - Accepting the Call -
Committing to Christ - Honoring God
R.E.A.D.Y. - Revived Excited Anointed Determined Youth
Rebel - Rom 5:8
Rebel-ution - I Tim 4:12
Redemption - Mark 10:45
Refresh - Rom 15:32
Regen - (Regeneration)
Remedy - Eph 5:2
Rescue - Rom 7:24
Reset - John 3
Resolution - Ps 51:10-11
rEVOLution - (LOVE spelled backwards)
R.I.O.T. - Revival In Our Town
Rise and Shine - Matt 5:15
Rise and Shine - Is. 60:1
Rock Solid - Acts 4:11
Rooted - Col 2:7
R.U.S.H. - Rising Up Serving Him
Salt - Matt 5:13-16
Shades of Pink
Shine - Matt 5:13-16
Soma - (Greek) - the Body
S.O.S. - Safety in Sisterhood
Soul Fire - Jer 20:9
Soul Fuel - John 14:26
Souled Out - Matt 5:8
Soul Guard
Squadron - I Cor 16:13
Sugar Cookie Club
S.W.A.G. - Saved With Amazing Grace
SWAT Chicks
Switch House - Acts 3:19
Synergy - God in Me
Synesis - God-sent understanding
Synthesis - God in Me
Testify - I Pet 3:15
The City - Matt 5:14
The Collection - I Pet 2:9
The Elect Col. 3:12-17
The Exchange - 2 Cor 5:21
The Mini Pennies
The Mix
The Nerve to Serve - Matt 20: 27-28
The Orchard - Matt 7:17
The Real Thing
The Sisterhood
The Squad
Three18 - 2 Pet 3:18 - Know Grow Glorify
Transit Youth - I Tim 4:12
Transpose - Rom 5:6
T R O P I C A L - Teens Reaching Other People In Christ's Awesome Love
True Princesses
Unfolding Roses
Unlimited Potential GC (Girls Club)
Unlocked - Rom 3:20
W.A.S.P - Warriors Against Satan's Plan
WARC - We Are Real Christians
3D Youth - Dedicated, Determined and Driven (1Timothy 4:12)
180 - Turn to Christ